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Starting in a Good Way:

Preparing to Teach with Wellness

August 23 and 24 | Chena River Cabin

WHAT: Approaching the start of a new semester can feel like gearing up to knock ourselves out: it is a challenge to balance work we value with sustaining wellness individually and communally. This 8-hour program will offer skills and methods for creating more nourishment, balance, rest, and connection in our work lives.

With instruction from facilitators in four different fields, participants are invited to explore the concepts of wellness, nourishment, healing, rest, and creating a community of care in the context of our work. We will build skills to better care for ourselves, our students, colleagues, and communities. To transform our knowing into doing, we will practice modeling and applying these skills in our daily work. 

WHERE: This program will be offered at the Chena River public use cabin (mile 32 of Chena Hot Springs Road)

WHEN: August 23 and 24, 12-4pm each day. Participants are invited to stay overnight in the cabin or may commute to the sessions.

Facilitators: LaVerne Xilegg Demientieff, Mareca Guthrie, Wendy Whitehead Martelle, Kendell Newman Sadiik

2022 Retreat: Mindfulness & Pedagogy

Watercolor of a stream with paper boat floating
WHAT: Wendy Martelle (UAF Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics & ESL) will facilitate two half-day workshops for UAF instructors on applying mindfulness practices to our work with students. Wendy is training to become a certified mindfulness meditation teacher and these workshops are part of her training. Participants can expect instruction in theories of mindfulness and its impact on individual and community well-being, with particular attention to teaching and learning contexts. These workshops will allow participants to experiment with mindfulness practices and craft customized applications for their UAF classrooms.

WHO: Any educator who teaches or plans to teach courses at UAF. Participants need not have a background in mindfulness or meditation; all educators interested in connections between mindfulness and pedagogy are welcome.

WHERE: The retreat will be hosted at the Chena River Cabin, mile 32.2 Chena Hot Springs Road outside of Fairbanks. All are invited to stay overnight in the cabin or camp on the property, though this is not required. For those who can stay, there will be optional outdoor activities, yoga, and an outdoor cooking class with Assistant Professor of Culinary Arts, Sean Walklin. Meals will be provided.

WHEN: August 15, 1-4pm & August 16, 9am-noon with optional programming in between