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Drafting your budget proposal

In this webinar, Dr. Peter Webley walks us through the process of submitting a proposal through the lens of creating the proposal budget. Dr. Webley provides several insights from over 20 years of experience in this field. Topics include lessons learned, processes that work for small ($13K) to large ($10’s M) proposals, as well as a question and answer session. 


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Dr. Peter W. Webley is the Associate Director of Research for the Alaska Center for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration (ACUASI) and a Research Associate Professor of Remote Sensing, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks. Dr. Webley has a PhD in Remote Sensing and more than 15+ years of experience as a geoscience and remote sensing scientist and researcher. He worked on the development of operational and real-time applications of geospatial data for hazard detection and decision making. Peter is also the Deputy Director of UAF’s Technology Transfer Office, OIPC, and has a passion for business development and technology transfer from an academic environment into the private sector as well as providing tools and products for hazard assessment and risk mitigation from geospatial data and observations.



Growth Opportunities for researchers

Webinar Series: How to Write Winning NSF CAREER Proposals

U2AF faculty have been given access to the webinar “How to Write Winning NSF CAREER Proposals” through the Academic Research Funding Strategies, LLC. This webinar for junior faculty covers grants specifically for early-career researchers and focuses on special requirements for these kinds of grants: how to decide when to apply, and keys to writing a successful proposal for these grants. 

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